In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids fit solely inside the ear canal. They're designed to be discreet and easier to hide, which means they're preferred by many people. Their smaller size can mean there are some limitations on functionality, but this is often isn't a problem for people who are looking for a slightly less obvious hearing aid. If you're trying to choose which style is right for you, your hearing specialist can recommend some options and let you try some out. ITC hearing aids could be right for you if there are certain things that you're looking for.

Smaller size

Compared to behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids, ITC devices are smaller in size. While an ITE hearing aid also sits in the ear, it takes up all or most of the space. An ITC hearing aid takes up about half of the ear, sitting a bit further in. The size is ideal for people who want something more discreet, but also don't want a hearing aid that's difficult to handle.

Still powerful

Although ITC hearing aids might be smaller, they are still powerful. Some small styles of hearing aid are limited on the different features that they can offer. However, ITC hearing aids have a good balance between their size and functionality. They are often still suitable for people with more severe hearing loss because they're not so small that they can't fit a powerful battery or essential features. You can choose options such as wireless connectivity and telecoil which can help to provide clearer sound in some public places.

Great for speech in noise

Understanding people speaking isn't always easy when you wear hearing aids. Being in noisy environments can make it more difficult because it's hard to filter out the background noise. ITC hearing aids provide the option of dual microphones, which can make it easier to talk to people in environments where there's a lot of background noise. Dual microphones (also called directional microphones) filter sound more accurately and focus on amplifying sound in front of the wearer. Multiple microphones can also give you the option of turning off one microphone to reduce background noise.

ITC hearing aids could be a great choice for you. Speak to your hearing specialist about whether they might meet your needs.